Youth Coaches Information
Youth League Packages:
An updated package for the 2022 Season has been placed on the website and can be found at the following link.
Game Sheets:
As per an earlier email from Peter, game sheets can be found online this year. If you are not able to access them, you can either use a hard copy of a game sheet or print on off using the following the following link.
I have also attached a video how you can edit a game sheet on a device if no game sheet is printed prior to the game.
Please make sure game sheets/game scores are reported to myself at within 24 hours of the game. If it is easier, a picture of the game sheets can be sent to my cell (902-940-0216).
Game Rescheduling:
We are into the first week and I understand that clubs are still getting organized with numbers and assigning coaches to teams. Some games have been listed for this week as needing to be rescheduled. Please do your best to reschedule them as soon as possible.
There are a number of games that are being played during the week, meaning it is hard to reschedule games during this time with the lower number of referees that are registered for this season. When rescheduling games, I kindly ask that you look to do so on a Friday/Saturday if possible.
As per the
Youth League Package, I direct you to the
Cancellation Policy Please take a look at the information provided in this link.
The first week/couple of weeks for some leagues are posted on the website. We will be posting the remainder of the games this week for the 2022 Season so everyone can organize their schedules.
During the day I can be reached by email/phone. I will do my best to get back as soon as possible to all communication. In the evenings, the best way to reach me is by my cell (902-940-0216).
Information regarding weather (lightning/extreme heat) can be found in the youth league package. On days where weather may impact games, information regarding the status of the games will be communicated to clubs by 3pm the day of the scheduled game.